
The Law and Society Journal at UCSB wishes to express its sincere thanks to the following generous sponsors for their support and donations.

2001-2002, Volume I Donors and Acknowledgements

2002-2003, Volume II Donors and Acknowledgements

2003-2004, Volume III Donors and Acknowledgements

2004-2005, Volume IV Donors and Acknowledgements

2005-2006, Volume V Donors and Acknowledgements

2006-2007, Volume VI Donors and Acknowledgements

Carmignani Family

Cutrow, White, and Boroda

Giovanni's Pizza

Lexis Nexus

Santa Barbara County Bar Foundation: Annual Sponser of Santa Barbara County Bar Foundation Paper Prize Awards

Shoreline Preservation Fund

UCSB College of Letters and Science, Division of Social Sciences

UCSB Residence Halls Association

Special Thanks To:

Eve Darian-Smith,
Faculty Advisor and Professor, Law & Society Program

Law and Society Faculty and Staff

Anne Elwell,
Financial Assistant, Law & Society Program

Cindy Cortez,
Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Law & Society Program

Hillary Berk,
Lecturer, Law & Society Program

Lisa Hajjar,
Professor, Law & Society Program

Staurt Streichler,
Lecturer, Law & Society Program

UCSB Office of Student Life


Pacific Press

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