The Law and Society Journal at UCSB wishes to express its sincere thanks to the following generous sponsors for their support and donations.
2001-2002, Volume I Donors and Acknowledgements
2002-2003, Volume II Donors and Acknowledgements
2003-2004, Volume III Donors and Acknowledgements
2005-2006, Volume V Donors and Acknowledgements
2006-2007, Volume VI Donors and Acknowledgements
Carmignani Family
Cutrow, White, and Boroda
Giovanni's Pizza
Lexis Nexus
Santa Barbara County Bar Foundation: Annual Sponser of Santa Barbara County Bar Foundation Paper Prize Awards
Shoreline Preservation Fund
UCSB College of Letters and Science, Division of Social Sciences
UCSB Residence Halls Association
Eve Darian-Smith,
Faculty Advisor and Professor, Law & Society Program
Law and Society Faculty and Staff
Anne Elwell,
Financial Assistant, Law & Society Program
Cindy Cortez,
Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Law & Society Program
Hillary Berk,
Lecturer, Law & Society Program
Lisa Hajjar,
Professor, Law & Society Program
Staurt Streichler,
Lecturer, Law & Society Program
UCSB Office of Student Life
Pacific Press