
The Law and Society Journal at UCSB wishes to express its sincere thanks to the following generous sponsors for their support and donations.

2001-2002, Volume I Donors and Acknowledgements

2002-2003, Volume II Donors and Acknowledgements

2003-2004, Volume III Donors and Acknowledgements

2004-2005, Volume IV Donors and Acknowledgements

2005-2006, Volume V Donors and Acknowledgements

2006-2007, Volume VI Donors and Acknowledgements

All Automotive

Law Offices of Laborde & Daugherty

TiTi Nguyen

Santa Barbara Bank & Trust

Santa Barbara County Bar Foundation
Annual Sponsor of the Santa Barbara County Bar Foundation Paper Prize Awards

Shoreline Preservation Fund

Snyder, Strozier, Maho, & Tomlinson; A Professional Law Corporation

Southwest Airlines

UCSB College of Letters and Science, Division of Social Sciences

Woodstock's Pizza, LLC

Margaret E. Wybel

Chancellor Henry Yang

Special Thanks To:

Hillary Berk,
Faculty Advisor and Lecturer, Law & Society Program

Cindy Cortez,
Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Law & Society Program

Eve Darian-Smith,
Faculty Advisor and Professor, Law & Society Program

Law and Society Program and Faculty

Kathleen Moore,
Chair and Professor, Law & Society Program

UCSB Office of Student Life

Cheree Weinberg,
Financial Assistant, Law & Society Program


Mike Smith,
Database and Publications Manager, UCSB Economic Forecast Project

Wilson Printing

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